Why In-Situ Concrete Strength?
Every builder faces the crucial question of determining when freshly poured concrete has achieved the necessary strength to progress to the next phase of construction. Typically, they rely on standard-cured samples to gauge strength, but these may not reflect on-site conditions accurately due to temperature and volume differences.
In reality, in-place concrete often gains strength more rapidly than standard samples during the early stages, meaning projects could start earlier for quicker progress.

The structure heats up, but the cubes remain cool!
In-Place Concrete VS
Standard-Curing Cubes
See how lab-cured samples often underestimate early age in-place compressive strength because they can't replicate the high internal temperatures seen during curing of large slabs. These temperatures speed up strength gain.
Get precise in-place concrete strength data for quicker, eco-friendlier, and higher-quality construction planning and scheduling.

Enhance productivity, quality, and sustainability.
Gain in
Construction Time
Reduce each casting cycle by 30% to expedite project progress during the structural phase and achieve 5x return on investment
Remote Visibility of
Curing Status
Prevent premature early-age activities to mitigate safety risks and ensure quality
Embodied Carbon
Require less high-strength concrete for early-age productivity and promote the use of GGBS
Cost Effective
And Rugged
Equipment tailored for job sites with a reusable and adaptable design.
Measuring Concrete Strength
On-Site: A 3-Step Guide
Collect Data from Concrete
ConcreteAI's SmartHub can link to four ports, each featuring an embedded sacrificial sensor within the concrete for data collection. Once monitoring is complete, the sensor is extracted, allowing for SmartHub reusability.
Validate the Strength Value with Destructive Test
Wondering if your in-place concrete has reached the required strength or needs more evidence for acceptance? ConcreteAI offers the SmartCure, providing accurate cube test results that align with real in-place conditions.
A Comprehensive solution from Start To Finish
Training and onboarding till the project is proficient
Sharing of best practices and implementation steps
On-site people committed to your success
Compilation of report and sharing of insights about concrete design and choices

Real-World Project and Product Use Cases

Stress tendons timely for shorter cycles and enhanced safety

Building and High-Rise Projects
Attain quicker floor cycle times through accelerated demoulding and loading processes.

Precast Production
Ensure rapid turnover of the facility while maintaining quality standards.

Airport Taxiway
Attain Access the site for traffic and open it sooner.

Highway & Transportation
Produce precast segments faster with shorter demoulding and lifting times, enabling earlier road access.
Trusted by Leading Clients

What does the ConcreteAI sensor monitor?ConcreteAI's SmartHub offers real-time monitoring of concrete temperature, which is then correlated with concrete compressive strength.
What does the ConcreteAI sensor monitor?ConcreteAI's SmartHub offers real-time monitoring of concrete temperature, which is then correlated with concrete compressive strength.
What does the ConcreteAI sensor monitor?ConcreteAI's SmartHub offers real-time monitoring of concrete temperature, which is then correlated with concrete compressive strength.
Is the method of strength measurement approved in Singapore and other areas?Certainly. ConcreteAI's system comprises two components: the SmartHub, which employs the maturity method to deliver real-time concrete strength readings, and the SmartCure system, which utilizes temperature-matched curing for in-place concrete strength measurement. While the SmartHub provides continuous readings through a non-destructive method, the SmartCure system offers destructive results. In Singapore, the maturity method is endorsed in various standards such as SS 78: Part B1: 1992 (2018), SS EN 13791:2009 (2016), SS 592:2013, SS EN 1992-1-1:2008 (2015) Eurocode 2, and SS EN 13670:2022, among others. Additionally, the temperature-matched curing method is highlighted in BS 1881:130 and SS EN 13670:2022. These standards are referenced in the latest published Approved Solutions by the Building and Construction Authority of Singapore. (link) For other regions and countries, we recommend reaching out to us directly or contacting the local authority to verify if the BS and EN standards are referenced in the local guidelines.
Is the method of strength measurement approved in Singapore and other areas?Certainly. ConcreteAI's system comprises two components: the SmartHub, which employs the maturity method to deliver real-time concrete strength readings, and the SmartCure system, which utilizes temperature-matched curing for in-place concrete strength measurement. While the SmartHub provides continuous readings through a non-destructive method, the SmartCure system offers destructive results. In Singapore, the maturity method is endorsed in various standards such as SS 78: Part B1: 1992 (2018), SS EN 13791:2009 (2016), SS 592:2013, SS EN 1992-1-1:2008 (2015) Eurocode 2, and SS EN 13670:2022, among others. Additionally, the temperature-matched curing method is highlighted in BS 1881:130 and SS EN 13670:2022. These standards are referenced in the latest published Approved Solutions by the Building and Construction Authority of Singapore. (link) For other regions and countries, we recommend reaching out to us directly or contacting the local authority to verify if the BS and EN standards are referenced in the local guidelines.
Is the method of strength measurement approved in Singapore and other areas?Certainly. ConcreteAI's system comprises two components: the SmartHub, which employs the maturity method to deliver real-time concrete strength readings, and the SmartCure system, which utilizes temperature-matched curing for in-place concrete strength measurement. While the SmartHub provides continuous readings through a non-destructive method, the SmartCure system offers destructive results. In Singapore, the maturity method is endorsed in various standards such as SS 78: Part B1: 1992 (2018), SS EN 13791:2009 (2016), SS 592:2013, SS EN 1992-1-1:2008 (2015) Eurocode 2, and SS EN 13670:2022, among others. Additionally, the temperature-matched curing method is highlighted in BS 1881:130 and SS EN 13670:2022. These standards are referenced in the latest published Approved Solutions by the Building and Construction Authority of Singapore. (link) For other regions and countries, we recommend reaching out to us directly or contacting the local authority to verify if the BS and EN standards are referenced in the local guidelines.
How do you measure compressive strength in real-time?Concrete’s compressive strength is determined using the internationally accepted maturity method in accordance with ASTM C 1074 and EN 13670. Maturity is the relationship between concrete temperature, time and strength gain. It is a way to measure the concrete’s in situ strength to expedite schedule, increase level of confidence and improve construction methods. Every concrete mix design has its own strength – maturity relationship. Thus, for every unique mix design, a 28-day calibration period is required to find the relationship.
How do you measure compressive strength in real-time?Concrete’s compressive strength is determined using the internationally accepted maturity method in accordance with ASTM C 1074 and EN 13670. Maturity is the relationship between concrete temperature, time and strength gain. It is a way to measure the concrete’s in situ strength to expedite schedule, increase level of confidence and improve construction methods. Every concrete mix design has its own strength – maturity relationship. Thus, for every unique mix design, a 28-day calibration period is required to find the relationship.
How do you measure compressive strength in real-time?Concrete’s compressive strength is determined using the internationally accepted maturity method in accordance with ASTM C 1074 and EN 13670. Maturity is the relationship between concrete temperature, time and strength gain. It is a way to measure the concrete’s in situ strength to expedite schedule, increase level of confidence and improve construction methods. Every concrete mix design has its own strength – maturity relationship. Thus, for every unique mix design, a 28-day calibration period is required to find the relationship.
What kind of structures or concrete mix can ConcreteAI solution be applied to?ConcreteAI sensors can be used for all types of concrete structures, for example wall, slab, column, beam, viaduct, hollow-core, pile cap and etc. ConcreteAI solution can also be applied to all common mix designs, including concrete with fly ash, GGBS and others. Feel free to contact us via email or phone if you would to clarify further.
What kind of structures or concrete mix can ConcreteAI solution be applied to?ConcreteAI sensors can be used for all types of concrete structures, for example wall, slab, column, beam, viaduct, hollow-core, pile cap and etc. ConcreteAI solution can also be applied to all common mix designs, including concrete with fly ash, GGBS and others. Feel free to contact us via email or phone if you would to clarify further.
What kind of structures or concrete mix can ConcreteAI solution be applied to?ConcreteAI sensors can be used for all types of concrete structures, for example wall, slab, column, beam, viaduct, hollow-core, pile cap and etc. ConcreteAI solution can also be applied to all common mix designs, including concrete with fly ash, GGBS and others. Feel free to contact us via email or phone if you would to clarify further.
How many data points are required inside a structure to measure compressive strength?Traditionally, we suggest installing a minimum of 2 data points within a structure or casting area. These monitoring points should be positioned at critical locations where the maximum working stress occurs. At the critical locations, a redundant sensor will also be placed. For every project, we will coordinate with and seek approval from the project team to finalize the monitoring plan. Should you require clarification on monitoring specific structures or casting items, please don't hesitate to reach out to us via email or phone.
How many data points are required inside a structure to measure compressive strength?Traditionally, we suggest installing a minimum of 2 data points within a structure or casting area. These monitoring points should be positioned at critical locations where the maximum working stress occurs. At the critical locations, a redundant sensor will also be placed. For every project, we will coordinate with and seek approval from the project team to finalize the monitoring plan. Should you require clarification on monitoring specific structures or casting items, please don't hesitate to reach out to us via email or phone.
How many data points are required inside a structure to measure compressive strength?Traditionally, we suggest installing a minimum of 2 data points within a structure or casting area. These monitoring points should be positioned at critical locations where the maximum working stress occurs. At the critical locations, a redundant sensor will also be placed. For every project, we will coordinate with and seek approval from the project team to finalize the monitoring plan. Should you require clarification on monitoring specific structures or casting items, please don't hesitate to reach out to us via email or phone.